Welcome to the Church of Christ

Lodi Church of Christ on Ham Lane

Are you seeking a spiritual journey that feels like home? At Lodi Church of Christ, we’re more than a community; we’re a family united in faith and love. Reach out through our online guest book for any inquiries or feedback—we’re eager to connect and share with you.

Worship With Us

Join us in the warmth and devotion of our weekly worship. Every Sunday at 10:00 AM, we gather to celebrate our faith through praise and fellowship. It’s a time of spiritual rejuvenation and community bonding that we cherish deeply.

Our Beliefs

At the heart of our practice are the teachings of the New Testament, guiding us in a faith that’s both ancient and ever-new. We aim to embody principles such as love, compassion, and integrity, reflecting our dedication to living a Christ-centered life. Our journey of faith is a continual learning process, one we embrace with open hearts and minds.

What to Expect

Your first visit to Ham Lane will be a welcoming and comfortable experience, rich with opportunities for spiritual growth and connection:

  • A Warm Welcome: From the moment you step into our auditorium, you’ll feel at home. Choose any seat that makes you feel comfortable; every spot is open as a testament to our belief in community and openness.
  • Spiritual Harmony: Our a cappella worship is a profound experience of unity and devotion, bringing us together in song and spirit without the need for instruments.
  • Messages of Faith: Anchored in prayer and scripture, our sermons are meant to resonate with everyone, regardless of where they are on their spiritual journey.
  • A Supportive Invitation: We encourage personal reflection and response after our sermons, whether it’s a prayer request or an interest in baptism. Participation is voluntary and respected.
  • Communion and Community Support: Observing the Lord’s Supper each Sunday allows us a communal reflection on our faith. While we collect offerings to support church initiatives, guests are never obligated to contribute.

A Community of Diversity and Faith

Our congregation is a vibrant tapestry of lives, each unique yet united by our common faith in Jesus Christ. We celebrate our diversity, believing that every individual’s journey enriches our collective spiritual growth.

Visiting Us

Approaching new experiences can be daunting, but at Ham Lane, we invite you to come as you are. There are no expectations other than your presence. Filling out a visitor’s card is optional, but it allows us to thank you for your visit and stay connected.

Get in Touch

Your spiritual journey is important to us. Whether you’re seeking a spiritual home or curious about our practices, we welcome you. In Lodi, CA, you might just find the community and faith you’ve been looking for.

Visit our Prayer Request page or reach out through our contact form for prayer requests or to learn more about our beliefs. We look forward to welcoming you into our family.

Beyond the Spotlight: When You Pray

Welcome back to our summer sermon series, “Beyond the Spotlight.” In this third installment, we delve into the profound and essential discipline of prayer as taught by Jesus in Matthew 6. Prayer is more than a ritual; it is a heartfelt communication with God that shapes our spiritual lives. The Expectation of Prayer Jesus starts […]

Pray Like Nehemiah

When we think of the great characters of the Old Testament, names like Adam & Eve, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, Samson, King David, Daniel, and Jonah often come to mind. Each of these figures is associated with remarkable stories and significant events. However, one often overlooked yet profoundly impactful character is Nehemiah. Known humorously […]

Beyond the Spotlight: “When You Give”

In our new summer sermon series, “Beyond the Spotlight,” we delve into Jesus’ teachings in Matthew 6:1-18, where He emphasizes the importance of practicing our acts of righteousness—giving, praying, and fasting—in secret. Today, we focus on the first aspect: giving. Jesus calls us to give not for public recognition but to deepen our relationship with […]

“Beyond the Spotlight: The Christian’s Secret Service”

As we dive into the summer months, I am excited to introduce our new sermon series at Ham Lane Church of Christ: “Beyond the Spotlight: The Christian’s Secret Service.” This series will explore Jesus’ teachings in Matthew 6:1-18, where He calls His followers to practice their acts of righteousness—giving, praying, and fasting—in secret. These acts […]

The Foundations of Freedom and Faith

As we celebrate the 4th of July, it’s a time to reflect on the freedoms we enjoy in the United States. While our nation was not officially founded as a “Christian nation,” the influence of the Bible and Christianity on its principles and values is undeniable. Our Founding Fathers frequently referenced these principles as they […]

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